Our software is designed to be used with minimal training and its intuitive nature
allows a person to become familiar in a very short time. Nevertheless, training should not
be overlooked. It provides information on the inner workings and familiarizes the end
users with the advanced features. This service is provided both on-site, at the customer
location and at our office in Markham, Ontario.
Custom Software Solutions
We can definitely help with the integration of our software in your particular
environment by adding special features specific to your process. Sitius can
also be of service if you need integrated CAD/CAM software. We have in depth understanding
of Catia IUA, GII, CATGEO and Unigraphics NX Open and User Function. Our experience in the
area of CMM programming has left a number of satisfied customers.
When important purchasing decisions are to be made regarding new CMM, CAD or related
software we can be of help to you.